We are proud to announce the 2nd edition of Hotel Expo Nigeria 2022 taking place at Land Mark Event Center on the 14th and 15th of July 2022.
We had to postpone two previous editions 2020 and 2021 because of the Covid-19 pandemic and our deep concern for our participants both internationally and locally.
With much improvement in the control of the pandemic (Vaccines plus better understanding of the Virus) and the green light by all regulatory authorities involved, we are bringing Hotel Expo Nigeria 2022.
Moreover, we promise to make HEN 2022 one of the best events for the year 2022.
Despite the misconceptions making rounds about Covid-19 and the vaccines, HEN highly recommends and pleads that you stay safe by practicing all safety protocols and more importantly, get vaccinated. Yes! Vaccines for now have been proven to lower your risk of getting seriously ill and even dying from Covid-19 even if you catch it.
You also do not bear the risk of spreading the Virus especially to those of high risk like the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions.
Vaccines are safe. Many have taken it with minimal after effect issues. When taken, they prepare your body’s immune system to recognize and fight the Covid-19 virus. Combined with safety protocols, you sure will remain safe. Remember, more than five million people have died globally from this virus.
So get Vaccinated!!! Stay Safe!!!